About Us
Who We Are
Loyal Heights Homeschool Program (LHH) is a quasi-cooperative community of homeschooling families who gather each week in the Loyal Heights neighborhood of Seattle for classes, play, and community. LHH is led by a committee of parent volunteers who develop the class schedule and organize events for the families of the LHH community. We partner with the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department who helps administer our program by hosting the registration system and providing the location for most of our classes. Classes run on a quarterly schedule in the fall, winter, and spring.
Is LHH right for me?
If you are a homeschooling family in Seattle looking for in-person community and/or classes, you are welcome to join. We are a non-denominational, non-sectarian, non-discriminating group of homeschooling families interested in providing our families the opportunity to develop friendships and learn together in a supportive, multi-age environment. While we are not technically a co-op, we expect families to contribute in some way as they are able. There are opportunities for both long term and short term volunteer jobs, from developing the program of classes to moving tables and chairs, from managing our website to tidying up the lobby at the end of the day.
How do I join the LHH community?
If you are a newcomer interested in joining our community, please email us at [email protected] to learn more. We aim to respond within 3-5 days.
Joining will involve meeting or talking to someone first, in order to maintain the safety and privacy of our families. Once we’ve verified that you are a real human, interested in or currently homeschooling in the Seattle area, you are eligible to join the LHH Google Group, LHH Facebook Group, and Seattle Homeschool Group (SHG) network. If you don’t hear back from us within 5 days, be sure to check your spam/junk folder in case our response email landed there.
What ages does this program serve?
Our community is open to homeschooling families of all ages who are interested in in-person community and classes centered around the Loyal Heights neighborhood. Classes that are part of our program serve students from ages 3-18."
What is SHG? Are you the same as SHG?
The Seattle Homeschool Group is an informal network of Seattle-area homeschool families. LHH families are a subset of SHG. When you join LHH, you will also be added to the SHG network. SHG families are welcome to participate in LHH, but SHG is not an in-person community in and of itself. It is primarily an online network of Seattle homeschooling families.
What is the LHH Committee?
The LHH Committee is a group of parent volunteers who plan and run the LHH Program. In addition to putting together the schedule of classes for each quarter, the committee manages all our communications and plans community events throughout the year. You can reach us by email at [email protected].